thanks abang and nina. wani suke :)))
from them :))
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from mama :)) |
hari ni, agak bad day jugak cause all of a sudden not feelin well and just recover afta a looooong sleep with those pills. sigh. but as well, papa datang pagi tadi around 7.45 and im in the middle of sleep trus bangun to get him and gues what. i tersalah salahm org. =.=" malu gileeeee!! i half mamai lagi time tu. excited nk jumpe papa till tersalah salam. papa gelak je. haishshshs. bagi barang semua and i teman dia breakfast and we had a conversation sume and he's bus leaving at two tadi. and i get my advanced wishes from mama, kak long, abang and rina. im touced seriously with the 3 videos yang abang and rina buat fo me. huhu. thanks semua :) mm.. i missd him already. haffa safe trip home pa. thanks a lot and happy father's day too :)
ok, itu satu.
then, YESTERDAY, me, sarah, iman, lutfi and sape ntah lupe nama went fo a moviE!!
sound effect je and i dh mcm gelabah ayam. LOLOLOL. but worth la jugak cerita nh. for those yang kata tak best, i dono la. but, fo me yea. best :). iman siap jerit kalah perempuan and hugged sape ntah duduk sebela dy. haha. sara sedaya upaya nak cover guna popcorn box tuh. haha. actually movie nh sesuai fo father's day. pelik kan. IKR. but endin dy memang mcam meant fo ayah ayah di luar sana :) then kami makan makan di johnny. great experience eating there. harga standard and we get ice cream after meal (memang dlm pakej pon xD) then, sara and i balik to villa mewah dengan perut yang kenyang dan hati yang riang xD
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this is my study table. tau. tak macam pon. semak gile. haha. |
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new strangers. i love my strangers :) spot: ECM |
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meet adam :) |