alhamdulillah. dah seminggu. hihii. wuuuu. hujan je kuantan ni. siang malam. hujan rahmat :) lena aku tidur malam malam. heheee. well, this semester i get new housemates. happy? tak happy?? err.. 50,50. mmm.. diaorang okay je. buat hal sendiri sendiri. its different now because everyone macam strangers, but well.. i guess time will tell. :) at least roomates still the previous one. relieved. hehe. and yeah. from 4 people, left 3 because ijjatul dia nak stay dekat block lain. well, its okay. asalkan dia bahagia :) and jyeahhhh! rumah terbersih last semester is OUR A205 VILLA!! yeah yeahhh. alhamdulillah. so, kami la anak anak dara yang  boleh jadi calon bini bhahaha. okay, gurau. :P

my schedule was so pack. er.. well, quite satisfied with it as i only have one class at night. but well understood that during the day i'll be like phewhhhhhhhhhh. but naa.. ramai kot envy dengan jadual saya. okbye. this gonna be my last semester, foundation in law and its gonna be the toughest. the books are like WHATTT!!!?? mahal woooooh but yeah. what do you expect? law books ARE expensive. thanks si arif. at least u save my money sikit especially dekat tang subject bel. hik hik. next, subjects are getting tougher but somehow just cant wait to start the syllabus. idk. very interesting. that social psychology subject (LAW039) and introduction to law II (LAW037) kinda catch my attention and other subjects too. okay, too early kot to judge them. hihi. but tak kenal maka tak cinta kan ^^ so, belajjjar jelahhhhh bak kata mama. 

its saturday, 26.11, 7.41 am and i'm the only one yang bangun sekarang. i realised semester baru ni ramai berazam untuk JOGGING! sedangkan aku TAK. haha. 

"alaa... nak jogging. tapi hujan. awak takpelah. dah kurus." sambil tunjuk tunjuk dekat aku. 
LOLOLOL. senyum, tak perlu kata apa apa, senyum. :D 

haha. kite pun tak tahu lah awak. makan banyak KILLER dah ni. macam ni jugak. hewhewhew. oh yeahh! football haritu MALAYSIA against INDONESIA. whoaaa. its was awesome. 7.30pm dah dekat mamak screen besau with my villa's roommates. BLACK AND YELLOW. riiiight after maghrib. haha. somangat kauu. i'm gonna get one malaysia jersey for me nanti. dont care! sad, my number 18 tak main. dunno why. haha. but the game was macam nak mati mati je main. stay till 10.50pm and lari balik masuk kampus at 11pm sebab dah time curfew. i think eleven of us are the only siswi yang tinggal dekat mamak malam tu. haha. tak sanggup kau nak kena kompaun. but continue tengok dekat dalam kampus with the others and polis peronda marah sebab emosi sangat. mana ada orang tengok bola senyap senyap lagi lagi time penalty. pfft. but it was awesome. proud of you HARIMAU MUDA. hugssssss :))) kenapa tak cuti eh?

TWILIGHT!!!! semalam semalam :)) haha. best bro, best bro. tapi GSC cut scene masa.. err.. ERR tuh. dayemnnn. hahaha. i have this feeling during and after watching it. okay, ALL OF US WHO ARE WATCHING have this I WANNA GET MARRIED QUICKLY feeling after watching breaking dawn. LOLOLOLOL. like seriously. foundation pun belum habes -.- CALON pun takde -.-   that edward was like MAGADDDDDDDDDDDDDD. like and angel towards bella and jacob was so HAWTTT! tiba tiba teringat future husband. huehuehue. okay. memang nak orang hot jelah kan aku ni. tengok muka tu sikit. 

and people are missing me to go online. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

eh, kau dah lama tak nampak online. pergi mana?
asal kau dah lama tak tweet dah? aku rindu nk tengok tweet ustazah pilihan aku. okay, tu jahat. PHBTT!
timeline aku kosong takde kau. aww. sobs sobs.

well. since aku dah stay floor 3 and agak susah nak dapat wifi sebab hypothesis, semakin tinggi floor awak, semakin susah nak dapat wifi and when disertai dengan cuaca hujan siang malam, it gets worst.. and this semester macam nak less online. online pun.. er.. if adehal dekat group, cari sources, or bila dah free free sikit, then u'll see me. 

i gues thats all the update for now. see. blog pun insyaAllah weekends dapat update. itu pun if theres things to tell. iban said that theres a game malaysia between bahrain? and my shahrul azwari is in? looking forward for that! teheee

till then. belum shower. huee. assalamualaikum :)
