hye blog.
lama tak blog.
well. agak lama lah jugak.
ive been busy with tests.
once chinese new year ends, my days yang 3 hari tu TOTALLY pack. as if everything need to be settled in that 3 days. tests and presentations. hati nak study, but there's presentation need to be done. sigh. dilemma dilemma. but alhamdulillah. ive managed to complete everything. hati senang (: no matter how worried we are about something, Allah was there to help.
ive been talking about his. thinking about this. and it really kinda pissed me off. cakap tak serupa bikin. yeah. thats the problem. well, currently ive been adjudicating this EAST COAST CUP which was held in IIUM KUANTAN. well, at first, being an adjudicator is kinda relieved for some people including me. relieved in the sense that u just listen to the debate, give scores and say what u want to say at the end of it. yesterday, which was friday, was my first day and first time being an adju and it was tiringggggggggggggggggggggg. seriously, after that two rounds of the debate session, i just want my bed and someone to lean at. and yeah. thats when i kacau my arif. lol. penatttttttttt. pfftt! im sory dear, if lately macam emo semacam. hueee. well, i can say that there is a different feeling being a debater and an adjudicator but mind you, being and adju, there's also that nervousness and heart pounding moment and that buterflies, elephanto in the stomach feeling. especially me when u know TOTAL ZERO about it. it sucks. wreaalllyyyyyy. but thats not the main reason of telling u guys about how my AWESOME FRIDAY went at IIUM. even something had happen. bad. very bad. for me. haha. biasala, in a process of learning, macam macam rasa, rasa.
i am not a grateful person. i complained a lot. i compare without knowing that Allah have something for me. tak jadi debater, but jadi adju pun nak complain. reason dia, ialah SEBAB SUSAH. cmon, apa lagi kau nak. ok, ni sessi cakap dekat diri sendiri okay. ngeee. whatever it is, both, i.e being a debater and adjudicator, dua dua ada knowledge yang akan di gained at the end of the day. but somehow, yesterday, it really pissed me off. maybe sebab i have lack of experience and knowledge in this adju field, so people easily condemn me and i make a mistake. ok, tu boleh blame saya. hihi. sedih siottttttttttt. and i start to think JADI DEBATER PUN SUSAH. JADI ADJU PUN SUSAH. SIGH. there. aku dah mengeluh. mengeluh sebab dah fikir benda tu susah. sebab apa jadi macam tu, sebab tak bersyukur. process of learning and trying to grab whats the input, memang la kena bashed habis habis kan. hee. sabar jela. hueee. but alhamdulillah. this is knowledge. this is experience. taknak tengok dia jadi negative because i still have to go with it jugak. nak taknak. benci tak benci. suka tak suka, kena buat jugak. and please, lets just look at the bright side. no pain, no gain kan?
i pray, i'll be more stronger to faced the challenges for the next 2 days of the ECC.
alhamdulillah, aku dapat peluang to get involved in this debating field and skills. syukur (:
yaAllah, kau peliharalah niat ku dan akhlakku.
permudahkanlah urusan ibadah kami
moga kami beroleh ilmuMu di dalam keredhaanMu
berilah kami kekuatan dan jauhilah kami dari segala kemungkaran.
hye blog.
lama tak blog.
well. agak lama lah jugak.
ive been busy with tests.
once chinese new year ends, my days yang 3 hari tu TOTALLY pack. as if everything need to be settled in that 3 days. tests and presentations. hati nak study, but there's presentation need to be done. sigh. dilemma dilemma. but alhamdulillah. ive managed to complete everything. hati senang (: no matter how worried we are about something, Allah was there to help.
ive been talking about his. thinking about this. and it really kinda pissed me off. cakap tak serupa bikin. yeah. thats the problem. well, currently ive been adjudicating this EAST COAST CUP which was held in IIUM KUANTAN. well, at first, being an adjudicator is kinda relieved for some people including me. relieved in the sense that u just listen to the debate, give scores and say what u want to say at the end of it. yesterday, which was friday, was my first day and first time being an adju and it was tiringggggggggggggggggggggg. seriously, after that two rounds of the debate session, i just want my bed and someone to lean at. and yeah. thats when i kacau my arif. lol. penatttttttttt. pfftt! im sory dear, if lately macam emo semacam. hueee. well, i can say that there is a different feeling being a debater and an adjudicator but mind you, being and adju, there's also that nervousness and heart pounding moment and that buterflies, elephanto in the stomach feeling. especially me when u know TOTAL ZERO about it. it sucks. wreaalllyyyyyy. but thats not the main reason of telling u guys about how my AWESOME FRIDAY went at IIUM. even something had happen. bad. very bad. for me. haha. biasala, in a process of learning, macam macam rasa, rasa.
i am not a grateful person. i complained a lot. i compare without knowing that Allah have something for me. tak jadi debater, but jadi adju pun nak complain. reason dia, ialah SEBAB SUSAH. cmon, apa lagi kau nak. ok, ni sessi cakap dekat diri sendiri okay. ngeee. whatever it is, both, i.e being a debater and adjudicator, dua dua ada knowledge yang akan di gained at the end of the day. but somehow, yesterday, it really pissed me off. maybe sebab i have lack of experience and knowledge in this adju field, so people easily condemn me and i make a mistake. ok, tu boleh blame saya. hihi. sedih siottttttttttt. and i start to think JADI DEBATER PUN SUSAH. JADI ADJU PUN SUSAH. SIGH. there. aku dah mengeluh. mengeluh sebab dah fikir benda tu susah. sebab apa jadi macam tu, sebab tak bersyukur. process of learning and trying to grab whats the input, memang la kena bashed habis habis kan. hee. sabar jela. hueee. but alhamdulillah. this is knowledge. this is experience. taknak tengok dia jadi negative because i still have to go with it jugak. nak taknak. benci tak benci. suka tak suka, kena buat jugak. and please, lets just look at the bright side. no pain, no gain kan?
i pray, i'll be more stronger to faced the challenges for the next 2 days of the ECC.
alhamdulillah, aku dapat peluang to get involved in this debating field and skills. syukur (:
yaAllah, kau peliharalah niat ku dan akhlakku.
permudahkanlah urusan ibadah kami
moga kami beroleh ilmuMu di dalam keredhaanMu
berilah kami kekuatan dan jauhilah kami dari segala kemungkaran.
and most importantly Allah is always by your side-Arif