Assalamualaikum :))
today's post is for my dear Arif. yeah. this is for you. i know u selalu tanya pasal my blog and updating it. emm.. and here it is. haha. i know there's a bit roller coaster here and there between us ;) but i pray, that both of us, will stay together, be together, stick together (macam sama je tiga-tiga ni. haha) and love each other even more. insyaAllah amin :) i know uve tried so hard to sustain this relationship and so do i. both of us. and i appreciate that :) and thank you so much sebab tahan dengan i dan sabar dengan budak ni. i mengaku, i budak okay. sory kalau banyak i amik from tumblr. but yeah. this is what i feel and mostly apa yang i nak u tahu, apa yang i nak cakap and beritahu u :) nothing serious. takpayah nak risau. heee.
yang ni, i tak tahu ade kena mengena ke tak. its just, lately banyak cakap pasal love. love dia. love orang tu. nak kawin, nak kawin. especially dekat twitter. so macam, takde benda lain nak cakap. i ada cakap dengan u kan pasal ni. i cakap marriage and then u tanya ada kena mengena ke tak. ahh ape2jelah. i dah merepek. tapi i tahu, ADA :P
well. not really because I have Allah and my family. hehe. its just u're part of it :)
i have you :)
nak sangat update pasal u kan. nah hamek ;P haha