in the name of Allah the most gracious and ever merciful
habis. habis sudah semester 3 sebagai pelajar ijazah sarjana muda. dengan jayanya atau tidak..
jaya lah jugak.. sebab masih come back home in one piece.
tak ada buat hal *alhamdulillah*, join macam macam lah jugak sampai jadi kurus sanat sanat BLERGHH, duduk rumah sewa *cries*, kenal ramai kawan baru (seronok lah jugak), went wild with my relationship (yeah.. macam roller coaster fiuu fiuuu) and.. pelajaran.. macam kabut sikit lah i would say because too much emotions this semester sampai hilang fokus sikit. hmm. sebab nak adapt dengan suasana NR tu semua amik masa ok. banyak masa habis and mood and fokus senang terbang. haish. changes are good and bad sometimes. kadang kadang rasa nak stay liddis sampai.. sampai betul betul nak tukar. but how kalau we are not able to control that situation. what we want, whant we need. instead, we should be controlling ourselves. tapi tak sangka pulak nak control diri sendiri sampai tak achieve goalss angat . out of control lah tu kan kirenye? heh *long sigh* kawan kawan lagi.. arif lagi.. aiyaiyaiii.. tengok lah result final macam mana *tadah tangan doa*
until i get tired and sick.. of myself ye. bukan dengan orang lain.
meh.. benda dah lepas.
insanity aku hilang dan imbalance dan terpesong. sigh*
macam ni lah kan darah muda. lagi lagi budak ketegaq macam saya ni.
dont be ketegaq sangat lah ea wani sem depan *tepuk2 dada sendiri*
ouh yeah. i'm twenneyy already.
matang ke belum? aheh.
tak tahu.
dah nak sem empat empat empat empattttt
apa nak buat kali ni budak?
belum jumpa lagi.
tapi dah fikir
tapi banyak sangat
so.. yeah. kena filter lagi.
karang banyak sangat 'benda asing', tercungap cungap nak accomplish
but for sure..
priority. sabar banyak. sayang orang lain. stay away from negativeness. dont expect more from others but expect from yourself. and dont judge sangat lah ea.
i know ure trying. ure learning and u fall and hurt yourself so deep and people around you too get affected. i know sometimes u cry to yourself at night hating what had happened and hating yourself for your own self centered thoughts and behaviors, you lost your appetite .. but hey.. thats how you grow.. and things are okay now. you dont know when it will lasts, but you keep telling to yourself, you'll be strong when the time comes and get over it eventually. so smile. ure beautiful :)
kepala berat dah.
habis. habis sudah semester 3 sebagai pelajar ijazah sarjana muda. dengan jayanya atau tidak..
jaya lah jugak.. sebab masih come back home in one piece.
tak ada buat hal *alhamdulillah*, join macam macam lah jugak sampai jadi kurus sanat sanat BLERGHH, duduk rumah sewa *cries*, kenal ramai kawan baru (seronok lah jugak), went wild with my relationship (yeah.. macam roller coaster fiuu fiuuu) and.. pelajaran.. macam kabut sikit lah i would say because too much emotions this semester sampai hilang fokus sikit. hmm. sebab nak adapt dengan suasana NR tu semua amik masa ok. banyak masa habis and mood and fokus senang terbang. haish. changes are good and bad sometimes. kadang kadang rasa nak stay liddis sampai.. sampai betul betul nak tukar. but how kalau we are not able to control that situation. what we want, whant we need. instead, we should be controlling ourselves. tapi tak sangka pulak nak control diri sendiri sampai tak achieve goalss angat . out of control lah tu kan kirenye? heh *long sigh* kawan kawan lagi.. arif lagi.. aiyaiyaiii.. tengok lah result final macam mana *tadah tangan doa*
until i get tired and sick.. of myself ye. bukan dengan orang lain.
meh.. benda dah lepas.
insanity aku hilang dan imbalance dan terpesong. sigh*
macam ni lah kan darah muda. lagi lagi budak ketegaq macam saya ni.
dont be ketegaq sangat lah ea wani sem depan *tepuk2 dada sendiri*
ouh yeah. i'm twenneyy already.
matang ke belum? aheh.
tak tahu.
dah nak sem empat empat empat empattttt
apa nak buat kali ni budak?
belum jumpa lagi.
tapi dah fikir
tapi banyak sangat
so.. yeah. kena filter lagi.
karang banyak sangat 'benda asing', tercungap cungap nak accomplish
but for sure..
priority. sabar banyak. sayang orang lain. stay away from negativeness. dont expect more from others but expect from yourself. and dont judge sangat lah ea.
i know ure trying. ure learning and u fall and hurt yourself so deep and people around you too get affected. i know sometimes u cry to yourself at night hating what had happened and hating yourself for your own self centered thoughts and behaviors, you lost your appetite .. but hey.. thats how you grow.. and things are okay now. you dont know when it will lasts, but you keep telling to yourself, you'll be strong when the time comes and get over it eventually. so smile. ure beautiful :)
kepala berat dah.