Read This.

In the name of Allah the most gracious and ever merciful

You know what?
Doesnt matter if you think that it is improper to do so,
People will say No. This is fine.
Doesnt matter if you think that being too attached with a girl/guy whom already in a relationship is wrong,
Others will saya Eh, Hello, belum kawin. Belum laki bini lagi. Suka hati lah.

Well, listen to this. Dont even dare to promise  "I want to marry you one day" if you're still at this stake of life.

Whats wrong preparing yourself right now?
You have time.
I dont think preparation only covers the material aspect. Your attitude and how you rationalized things matters.
Whats wrong putting a boundary between a girl/guy who is already taken and freaking having the thought of marrying her/him?
Whats wrong with that?

I'm I the one having the wrong thoughts?

Or.. u still need more time before having that boundary?
Bila esok wedding day you baru nak letak boundary?
Is that how you think?

You'll be having a hard time to gained his/her trusts then. Youre not serious, yet.
Trust isn't something that you'll gain easily just based on the things that u did to her/him. Or based on how long the relationship is. How much money or time spend with. Or how many pictures you have together. How many places u've been together. How many people knows about you and him/her. How willing you are to be there during good or bad times. Or even how freaking clever you are with words and promises.
Sayang lah kalau 5 years in a relationship pun, but still not asking and realizing  "Is this a proper attitude for me yang nak jadi wife/husband to someone else? Am I preparing myself?" maybe you hanya ready as a boyfriend/ girlfriend saja. Marrying someone, belum lagi.
She/he 'll get hurt.

Trust is gain when u are being tested dengan fitrah you sendiri.

 "Lelaki diuji dengan perempuan. Perempuan diuji dengan harta"

This post is actually for someone.
If youre reading this, idk when, I just want to say that I love you.
I love you and I want to marry you.

But please, if you think that you have any better explanation that can support our dreams, please do so.

This is not to show that I am freaking matured, or damn good, or what I'm thinking is always right.
I'm not. I have flaws. 
Nothing is totally right when it comes to human beings. Kita ada limited intrepetasi. 
Kita hanya rancang yang baik baik. Tapi kita tahu siapa yang lagi halus merancang.

To be honest, I have no intention of humiliating, showing off or any bad reason.
I just want to make things clear and make u think, and even make me myself think. 
Maybe with the time that I have right now, I get to explain in depth Why I am sad and mad.

Explaining all these doesn't give me the opportunity that surely you'll understand and digest the same way I did.
Or you'll come meeting me with you kneeling down with tears on your face or admitting that you're wrong. Haha.
No I'm not.
I tak expect apa apa. I just want you to know.
You can came up with far better counter arguments, I know.
That makes you a law student I guess :)
But, have a thought.